Thursday, October 16, 2014

May 2005

In May we headed to Fort Collins, Colorado for Matt's brother Chris' graduation from CSU.

 May 13, 2005

Like any graduation the ceremony was long but Kaleb did pretty good sitting through it.

 May 14, 2005

Happy baby!

This is Matt's brother Chris and his wife Heather.

Caylee is the oldest grandchild on Matt's side and she thought it was so funny to tickle uncle Matt so I decided to help her out.

May 15, 2005

Kaleb thought it was so funny to shake his bottle over and over again by his face so it would dot his face with drops of milk. He would do this quite often until we switched to sippy cups when he couldn't do it anymore.

 May 24, 2005

Eating rice, which looking back, for a baby who doesn't use silverware is kind of torture. It was so hard to pick up just a grain or two of rice and probably took him forever to eat. But judging by the big smile on his face I think he didn't care.

May 24, 2005

For Memorial day weekend we left Kaleb for the first time overnight and went camping to Moab with friends. We stayed at a campground right by the green river and it was nice because it was grass not dirt. 

Our first stop was Goblin Valley. I had never been there (or at least that I can remember) and we had fun climbing around and exploring everything.

May 28, 2005

The next day we drove around to different lookouts and trails and hiked to delicate arch.

May 29, 2005

Here we are with the Quinney's and Gillespie's. For being May it was still really hot that weekend, mid to upper 90's but it was still cooler and comfortable at night.

April 2005

Kaleb loved wearing sunglasses. Kaleb broke a couple of pairs of Matt's sunglasses because if Matt ever left them lying around Kaleb would find them and put them on.
 April 6, 2005

Kaleb loved playing with his food and mashed potatoes was no exception. He would always wipe his food on the table next to him or on the fridge that was also next to his high chair. He was a messy eater.

 April 7, 2005

Kaleb was always great about entertaining himself and playing by himself and not needing me to always entertain him but that also meant he had no problem running away to find something to get in to.

 April 14, 2005

In April Melanie and I hosted a baby shower for our friend Kelly who was pregnant with her first baby. I made my first ever diaper cake and I was proud of how it turned out considering it was before pinterest and all of the tutorials on how to make one. I made a cardboard support system and used wire to hold the diapers around the cardboard circle. It wasn't the easiest way to make one now that I see how to actually make one but I had to figure it out as I went. 

 April 16, 2005

My mom came to help and help out with Kaleb. We had cheesecake and played a couple of games, the pricing game, and cotton ball game where you are blindfolded and scoop up cottonballs with a spoon into a bowl and wrote words of advice. The invitations were real cloth diapers folded into a diaper shape with the invitation printed on iron-on paper and then we ironed them to the diapers and mailed them out.

Sometimes it was easier to give Kaleb a popsicle (or in this case a creamie) in the tub and then you could just take of his diaper after and give him a bath. Rather than cleaning up the high chair and his clothes and then giving him a bath and he didn't seem to mind because he knew it meant bath time was coming.

 April 17, 2005

One of Kaleb's favorite things to do (or at least what made him laugh the most) was playing peek-a-boo when he was in his high chair. We did it all the time and he loved it.

April 27, 2005

Making a mess eating oreo's.

 April 29, 2005

March 2005

Finally we moved on from a film camera to a digital camera in 2005. I remember dragging my feet not wanting to go with digital for some reason but I'm glad I finally switched. So much easier to deal with digital photos!

We'll start with video from March 3, 2005 with Matt and Kaleb playing.

 Kaleb was so excited to suck on this nectarine pit.

March 8, 2005

One weekend Matt's brother John was in town and he slept on the bed in Kaleb's room so we put Kaleb in the hallway in our room so that he wouldn't bother John.

March 13, 2005

This is at Sunday dinner at my grandparents house. It had been a long time since we needed a high chair at Sunday dinner until Kaleb came along.

March 13, 2005

As soon as Kaleb would hear the shower turn on he would run in and open the curtain and stand there trying to get his hand in the water. He would always be pretty wet after from getting splashed on but he loved it. As he got older he would try to climb into the tub fully clothed to join in on your shower.

 March 19, 2005

I remember this night very well because right after this picture was taken Kaleb knocked over a bowl of really hot egg drop soup onto his lap and was screaming. We were with friends at one of the restaurants where they cook in front of you and as soon as they lit the onion pyramid on fire or anything else on fire Kaleb started crying.

March 19, 2005

After church we decided to take some pictures. I always loved dressing Kaleb up for church. I was in the young women's in our ward and we had a small group of girls but they were awesome. I loved my calling. Matt was the financial clerk and then ward clerk the whole time we were in that ward.

March 20, 2005

He was always so happy!

He loved eating and here he stuffed a full peanut butter cracker sandwich in his mouth.

 March 21, 2005

Matt's parents were in town and we went up to the This is the Place Heritage Park to look around.

March 26, 2005

Kaleb loved eating spaghetti noodles and slurping them up.

March 26, 2005

As he became more mobile he would get into everything. He loved pushing the buttons on electronics and getting into the drawers in the kitchen.

March 29, 2005

He was also the only child we put toilet locks on for. Ashton and Olivia also went through a phase where they would try to play in the toilet but Kaleb was obsessed with it and just in case we forgot to close the door to the bathroom we put locks on them to make sure he couldn't get into them. Seeing the toilet paper unraveled makes me laugh because Olivia still does that right now.

I always heard people say with their first they were so good about getting pictures taken and with each kid it was less and less. I told myself I wouldn't do that and would make sure to get pictures taken with all my kids. With Kaleb we went every 3 months for the first year and then 6 months and yearly after that. With Ashton we went every 6 months for the first 2 years and then we weren't so good about it since Kaleb started getting pictures taken at school and it was one more thing to do. Poor Olivia, I took her newborns and then we have her pictures from our family photo sessions at 8 months and just over a year but nothing just for her. But I make up for it by taking lots of pictures even if they aren't taken in a studio! So I guess I ended up following the trend like many other parents!

Here are some of Kaleb's 9 month pictures.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

January 2005

I know I have pictures somewhere for part of December 2004 and January and February 2005 but I can't find them in my pictures archive on my computer so I need to find them on a disc and add them later. Here are a couple of videos from January 2005 until then.

Up until about 3 or 4 years ago we would go to Sherwood Hill's Resort outside of Logan, UT for New Year's. We always loved swimming in the pools.

January 2, 2005 Sherwood Hills in Logan, UT

January 2, 2005 Sherwood Hills in Logan, UT

When we managed the apartments at Brookside we loved having game nights. At the time we were the only ones with a baby so we usually played at our place.

January 7, 2005 Game Night

I always loved hearing Kaleb playing in his crib after he woke up from his naps. He wouldn't cry most of the time, he would just play until I heard him and came to get him.

January 14, 2005

You  have to love the annoying, baby voices us parents make. Looking back through all of our videos we sound pretty ridiculous but it's still fun to watch them. Kaleb loved anytime we would bounce him, play airplane or throw him up in the air.

January 15, 2005

January 15, 2005

January 15, 2005