Tuesday, April 10, 2012

September to November 2004

I actually forgot to take pictures the day of Kaleb's blessing so these are from my parents camera and scanned in, not the best quality. Kaleb was blessed on September 5, 2004.

We had a luncheon after outside at our apartment complex. This is Kaleb with his great-great grandpa on my mom's side.

This is Kaleb with my uncle Narvel who has the same birthday as Kaleb.

When the leaves were changing colors we decided to go for a drive and take some pictures. This is my mushroom hair phase, not my best haircut that's for sure.

Kaleb didn't seem to mind that we would lay him right in the leaves.

Kaleb and daddy.

These are some of Kaleb's 3-month pictures we had taken. That puppy is actually on the floor next to me right now. It's Kaleb's favorite stuffed animal and Ashton likes to claim it sometimes too.

Kaleb LOVED bath time. He would kick and splash the whole time getting water everywhere.

Kaleb's first Halloween. He wasn't a big fan of the hood part.

Kaleb loved trying to eat anything we were eating and Matt would tease him all the time. He usually gave him a lick or two.

This was on a trip to Idaho for an early Scherzinger Thanksgiving.

We stayed at my aunts relative's house and Matt was reading one night and Kaleb was really into the book too.

I always kept the lotion bottle on the changing table and as soon as I would lay Kaleb down he could arch his back and grab the lotion or side of the table, he never wanted to lay down flat when getting changed.

Long ago, before life became too busy, Matt liked playing computer games and Kaleb would be mesmerized by the screen.

Kaleb taking a nap after church.

I think this was also an after church nap.

Babies sure like to sleep.

Watching his mobile after a bath.

We only pulled out the swing once or twice, Kaleb wasn't a big fan of it most of the time.

This was taken at Thanksgiving in Colorado, I loved this hat on Kaleb with the ear flaps.

Here are some videos put together in 2004 from August, September, October and November 2004.

August 8, 2004 to September 28, 2004

October 5, 2004 to November 23, 2004

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

July & August 2004

This is from the 4th of July. We walked down to Murray park to watch the fireworks and Kaleb slept the whole time.

Kaleb would always stick out his tongue if he saw you do it. I was always amazed that at 1 month old he would mimic that.

Towards the end of July 2004 we headed to Colorado to celebrate Rue's 50th birthday with everyone. We took family pictures and on the Snell family there were only 3 grandchildren, now there are 9.

Here Kaleb is chilling on my lap while I trimmed his nails after a bath.

While in Colorado we visited the Sand Dunes. It was really windy that day and I remember how hard it was to walk in the sand while carrying Kaleb in the car seat. The tiny spec on the top of the peak is a person. I couldn't believe how big they were.

The first weekend in August we went camping with some friends. Let's just say a 6 week old and very emotional mommy don't mix very well with camping. Although here Kaleb was enjoying himself.

We only lasted one of the two nights since it was freezing and trying to feed Kaleb during the night was almost impossible but it was still a very memorable trip.

Here are some videos I made back in 2004 of Colorado and the camping trip.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Kaleb's Birth

I remember feeling some contractions June 15th, 2004 (37 1/2 weeks) and I couldn't really sleep. It was just after midnight and I was on the couch reading when my water broke. Shortly after that the contractions started. I thought it would take awhile for them to be regular and close together but they immediately were 3-5 minutes apart. We called the hospital around 1:30 and they had a doctor call us back. After speaking with him he said to come in. I figured being my first baby I had time so I took a shower and we headed for Cottonwood Hospital around 3:30. On the way there the contractions were getting really uncomfortable. They checked us in at 4:00am. It took awhile to get everything set up. The contractions were really strong and so Matt asked the nurse if I could get an epidural. By this time it was about 6:00am and I didn't get the epidural until right before 7am. This picture was after the epidural. I felt so much better. And at some point before the epidural I was really nauseous and they gave me a popsicle to eat but I couldn't keep it down.

After the epidural I quickly dilated and at 8:30 I started pushing. At 8:59am Kaleb was born weighing 6 lbs 13 oz and 21 inches long.

That's my doctor, Dr. Lloyd. He actually delivered me when I was a baby and now he was delivering my baby.

He screamed until he was wrapped up then he was quiet and really awake.

When he was on the warming bed being cleaned up he peed all over the blankets because they didn't have a diaper on him yet.

My mom and dad were there and then I called my best friend Amber and she came with her mom.

This is the second day. Matt's parents arrived the second day.

Matt's mother, Rue.

Kaleb had dark brown hair and quite a bit of it in the back which of course he lost over the next couple months. Giving birth was an amazing experience. The hospital stay was hard because of the pain I was in and then they wanted Kaleb in the room with me and he didn't sleep at all. Being my first time I just went with whatever they said. It was crazy to load Kaleb in the car and head home with a new baby that we had to take care of. The first week was rough because Kaleb would projectile throw-up and I was an emotional wreck not knowing what to do. But after that we started figuring things out.

Here's a video I put together after he was born: